Common Questions
- May 18 - Online orientation
- May 19 - Session A Classes begin
- June 13 - Session A Final exams
- June 16 - Session B begins
- June 19 - Juneteenth, no classes
- July 4 - U.S. Independence Day, no classes
- July 11 - Session B Final exams
--- - July 14 - Study-Abroad classes begin
- August 8 - Study-Abroad classes end
- May 26 - Online orientation
- May 27 - Session A Classes begin
- June 20 - Session A Final exams
- June 23 - Session B begins
- June 19 - Juneteenth, no classes
- July 4 - U.S. Independence Day, no classes
- July 18 - Session B Final exams
- July 21 - Study-Abroad classes begin
- August 15 - Study-Abroad classes end
- June 8 - Orientations and Q/A sessions
- June 9 - Session A Classes begin
- June 19 - Juneteenth, no classes
- July 3 - Session A Final exams, Session A ends
- July 4 - U.S. Independence Day, no classes
- July 7 - Session B classis begin
- July 31 - Session B Final exams
- August 1 - Classes end
If your question is not addressed there, please email us at
Placement Testing and Orientations
All participants in Level 2 or above, including Indiana University students, complete a placement test before being admitted.
You will receive your placement estimate before you make any financial commitment to the Workshop. You will have time to withdraw without penalty if you choose not to enroll at the estimated placement level.
Placement testing begins during the intake process and is calibrated to take into account that you are likely to be in the middle of a semester at the time of placement.
All participants' language levels are reassessed on Day One to ensure that they are enrolled at the correct level. Day-One placement decisions are final.
Students participate in a general orientation before their first class that covers issues relevant to students studying in the Online Program. For example questions about IU and Workshop policy, billing, student services, etc.
Academic Matters
Online Workshop courses offers extra-curricular online activities and events specific to their language. Events may be mandatory or optional, depending on the language in question. Your instructors will provide details.
Students may attend events hosted by other languages if they speak the language in question or have been informed in advance that the event is in English.
The Workshop events calendar is available at:
Campus Resources and IU ID Cards
All Online students have access to the online student resources of Indiana University, including counseling, bias reporting, etc. See the GENERAL HANDBOOK for a full listing of services.
Question Not Anwered?
Visit us between 4 and 5pm Eastern on Tuesdays and Fridays for VIRTUAL OFFICE HOURS