A special feature of the Language Workshop is the annual Student Video Contest, in which students from Immersion, Online, and Overseas programs compete to produce the best 3-minute video about their program language, culture or experience in the Language Workshop.
Description of the video:
شاكو ما كو؟
إزّايكم؟ عاملين إيه؟
كل شي تمام؟
كي دايرين؟
لا باس بخير؟
أهلاً وسهلاً بكم في البرنامج الصيفي للغة العربية
بحب اللهجة الشامية تشكل آسي
وباب الحارة يجمعني بأهلي وناسي
متل اللهجة الحلبية ما في طاول
حلب، الكبب، الطرب الل بيسلطن راسي
صدق جذب آغاتي حنا العراق
لهجتنا تغزل بيها هواية عشاق
ناظم كاظم و الحلي و البياتي
إسمع موال عراقي يهيج الاشواق
تؤبر قلبي لهجتنا اللبنانية
طرابلس و شتورا بعلبك بيروتية
أحلى من السكر غنوجه وبتعقد
فتوش تبولة فتة وكبة نية
من أم الدنيا جينا من أرض النيل
زي البلسم لهجتنا بتشفي العليل
بصو لمصر المحروسة و الإهرامات
للشعب اللي بيتباهى بمصحف و انجيل
باغي نهدر معاكم هدرة ونعيد
من الجزاير من أرض المليون شهيد
ما كانش هنا لهجة تشبه لهجتنا
لهجتنا بزاف مليحة
لهجة بزاف مليحة للناس مسيد
شهد يقطر من أطراف لسان الضاد
طوبى للفصحى حيوا لغة الأجداد
لغة كاليم تجود بدر مكنون
ليث شبل رئبال أُسُدٌ آساد
إلى اللقاء
مع السلامة
بشوفكم بعدين
ألف سلامة
مع السلامة
أحلى فريق عمل
How are you? (Levantine dialect)
How are you? (Iraqi dialect)
What's up? (Iraqi dialect)
How are you? (Egyptian dialect)
How's things? (Levantine dialect)
How are you? (Moroccan dialect)
How are you? (Algerian dialect)
Welcome to the Arabic Program at the IU Summer Language Workshop!
[Reciting poetry]
I love the dialect of Damascus.
Bab el-Hara unites me with my family and my people.
There’s no dialect like Aleppo’s.
The Aleppo of Kibbe and the music that soothes my mind.
Believe it or not, ladies and gentlemen, we are Iraq!
Ours is the dialect of lovers;
Nazim, Kazim, al-Hilli and al-Bayyati.
Listen to an Iraqi mawal as it fans the passions!
The Lebanese dialect has my heart;
Tripoli, Chtoura, Baalbek, Beirut...
Sweeter than sugar, gentle and lovely...
Fattoush, Tabbouleh, Fetteh and Kibbe Neye.
From the Mother of the World are we, from the banks of the Nile.
Like Balsam, our dialect soothes the sick.
Look to Egypt, “El Mahrousa,” and to the pyramids,
to a people that takes pride in the Quran and the Bible.
Now let me speak to you for a moment
from Algeria, the land of a million and a half martyrs.
There’s no other dialect like ours.
Our dialect is very beautiful.
A beautiful dialect for a respected people.
Honey drips from the “the tongue of Daad.”
How wonderful is Fusha (MSA), a salute to the language of our ancestors,
a language like the sea, as precious as a hidden pearl...
where the "Lion" can be "Layth," "Shibl," "Ri’baal," "Usd," or "Asaad"!
Goodbye (in various dialects)
Team Indiana -- the Best Team!
Kayla Stivers – "Korean Comfort Food" – Winner
Watch here
Autumn Pepper & Jessica Wolf – "A Day in the Chinese Workshop" – 1st Runner Up
Watch here
Crystal Wang – "A Day in the Korean Workshop" – 2nd Runner Up
Watch here
"We Study Together, We WIN Together!" - 1st place - Ukrainian Online
Johnny Di Lascio
"A Once In A Lifetime Chance" - 2nd place - Japanese Online
Shannon Hakala
"The 1st-Year Arabic Program" - 3rd place - Arabic Immersion
Bossan Abdyyeva
"Shashlyk with Friends" - 4th place - Russian Immersion
Chris Leger
"The 2023 Azerbaijani Workshop" - 5th place - Azerbaijani Online
Michael Ernst
"Welcome to the Chinese Workshop" - Late submission, not judged - Chinese Immersion
Kailyn Riggs
"Are there bedbugs in China?" - Late Submission, not judged - Chinese Immersion
Danila Kabotyanski
"Our Lives in the Chinese Workshop" - 1st place - Chinese Immersion
Dean Waters, Kathryn Klassen, Aysia Bittinger, Beyza Okur, and Autumn Sniffen
"The 3 6 9 Game" - Award for Best Cultural Content - Korean Online
Katelyn Valete
"The Perfect Woman" - Award for Best Audience Engagement - Arabic Immersion
Becca Bruss, William Rodenbeck, and Sabine Thomas
"My Life as a K-Drama" - Award for Best Production Values - Korean Online
Dereka Thomas
Ukrainian - The Language of Heroes - 5th place - Ukrainian
Colby Fleming, Rachel Kelly, Gabriele Sava, Chelsey Carr, Zach Rewinski
"Making Kystyby" - 6th place - Tatar Online
Abigail Gipson, Jacob Springer
"Mongolian Song" - 7th place - Mongolian Online
Dylan Charter, Christopher DeCou, Ran Yan, Alex Yi
"Vietnamese Song" - 8th place - Vietnamese Online
Emily Jackson
"Han & Tang Dynasty Dance" - 1st place - Chinese Online
Natasha Dorr-Kapczynski
"Arab Hospitality" - Award for Best Cultural Content - Arabic Online
Evan Hochstein
"Musical Ensemble" - Award for Best Audience Engagement - Arabic Online
Lizzie DeSantis, Evan Hochstein, Hayley Keisling, Madison MEwen, Natalie Schultheis, Sara Walsh, Morgan Yandow Harding, Jermaine Butler
"Learning Chinese is Not Hard" - Award for Best Production Values - Chinese Online
Natasha Dorr-Kapczynski, Lucas Gunkel, Taijia Smith, Jordan Ramirez, Elissa Whitcomb, Shreya Mapadath, Maria Julien
"Gathering Mushrooms" - Honorable Mention #5 - Russian Online
Leathea Thomason
"Regional Cuisine" - Honorable Mention #6 - Russian Online
Deandrea Hawkins
"Haunted by Famous Ancestors" - Honorable Mention #7 - Russian Online
Kyle Tucker, Kaitlin Patton, William Smeal
"Calligraphy" - Honorable Mention #8 - Arabic Online
Navkiran Chima, Benjamin Tomas Morgan
"Russian Music, One Decade at a Time" - Honorable Mention #9 - Russian Online
Molly Burhans
"English in Square Letters" - Honorable Mention #10 - Chinese Online
Natasha Dorr-Kapczynski, Lucas Gunkel, Daniel Robinson, Kyle Kwok, Vivian Costello, James Romano, Summer Snyder
"Bad Grammar" - 11th place - Russian Online
Adam Willson
"Shiger Shiger" - 12th place - Mongolian Online
Laurie Day
"On the Hills of Manchuria" - 13th place - Russian Online
Daniel Zhou (Youheng)
"Learning Russian Online" -- Cartoon - 14th place - Russian Online
Katherine Leung
"Interpretive Dance" - 15th place - Chinese Online
Summer Snyder
"Corona Virus" - Not Judged - Arabic Online
Meg Morley and the 2020 Arab Dance Club