This page contains basic information that applies to all Language Workshop programs, including Immersion, Online, and Overseas programs.
Common Questions
You do not need previous language study to enroll in a first-year course. However, for higher levels, you will need to take a placement test before enrolling.
Your cost will depend on the number of credits your course issues, whether you take supplementary courses, whether you study abroad, whether you are a graduate student or not, whether you are a summer student or a regular IU student, etc.
The costs for each program component are listed on that component's course page.
For example, if you are interested in Russian, go to the Russian page and scroll down to the COSTS listing in the ABOUT WORKSHOP PROGRAMS section at the bottom of that page.
If you need a cost determination for scholarship reasons, please contact .
The program is open to all, including
- IU and non-IU students
- graduate and undergraduate students
- community college students
- non-students and lifelong learners
- high-school students born before May 29, 2007
Different programs have different dates. Check the HANDBOOK for your program for details.
Participants are permitted to miss 2 days of class over the summer. Students who miss more than this may be asked to withdraw from the program.
Workshop courses, including online courses, are accelerated and intensive.
Accelerated language study takes a lot of time, every day. You may find it difficult to combine your Workshop courses with work, other classes, or busy personal schedules.
Be sure to check the details for your course and be sure you will be able to devote enough time to the course to succeed.
Yes, but students applying for both semesters have preference during admissions.
First-semester-only applicants can receive seats only if:
- There are still seats available in your course when you apply.
- The Section Head for your language approves.
Second-semester-only applicants can receive seats only if:
- There are seats available.
- The Section Head for your language approves.
- Your placement test confirms that you are ready for the 2nd-semester course.
- You agree to audit the final week of the 1st-semester course and complete all assignments, in order to handle any technical issues and to get you up to speed on classroom practices and current material before you begin accelerated study for credit.
Participants in Language Workshop online courses will need:
- A reliable computer and a reliable internet connection, capable of running live video (zoom, teams, skype, etc.)
- A reliable microphone and video camera
- A comfortable and reliable headset
- A quiet space where you can work without distraction for 4 hours a day
You will be expected to attend your online class with your video camera on. You may lose participation points if your camera is off during class.
Exception: You require accommodation and receive an accommodation authorization from the office of Accessible Educational Services before your class begins.
Applying for Scholarships and Fellowships
For details on funding available through the Language Workshop, visit the Language Workshop Funding Page.
You may be eligible for other funding, for example financial aid, G.I. Bill funding, Language Flagship funding, etc. Contact the source of the funding for any funding opportunity not administered by the Language Workshop.
- Application for funding administered by the Language Workshop is included in the Language Workshop Application.
- To apply for funding not administered by the Language Workshop, contact the funding organization directly.
No. The Workshop will let you apply for one award; the most advantageous award available to you.
The Workshop application form checks your demographics and course of study, then selects the most easily won award for which you are eligible. If two awards are similar in terms of how hard they are to win, the system selects the larger award.
The system will not offer you a second option, because by definition, that option would be harder to win and your work on that award would be wasted.
NO. Scholarship and fellowship applications are included in the main Workshop Application.
Each scholarship has different requirements. You will find instructions and templates in the Language Workshop application form.
Not through the Workshop, no. The Workshop awards all its funding to applicants who submit by the deadline.
You may be able to secure funding from sources outside the Workshop (e.g. FLAS awards from other universities, Flagship awards, private scholarships from other universities, financial aid, etc.), but you will need to contact these sources directly.
Workshop participants are responsible for paying tuition, fees, and all other charges by the due date on their bill. Every Workshop participant receives an Indiana University email account. Check your Indiana University email account for billing information regularly. For more on student billing, see
Workshop students pay two sets of fees with different due dates.
- University Fees cover university-level expenses and are assessed before the Workshop begins.
- Tuition and IU academic fees are billed to your IU bursar account automatically on a central schedule.
- Most students will be billed in mid-April with payment due in May
- Late enrolling students may be billed in mid-May (due in June) or in mid-June (due in July)
- Your tuition depends on the number of credit hours your courses award. To find the fee for your course, visit your course page at Fees are listed about halfway down the website page.
- Tuition and IU academic fees are billed to your IU bursar account automatically on a central schedule.
- Workshop fees include the Workshop program fee and your housing fee.
- These are billed at the end of the first week of class.
(Study-Abroad fees have their own schedules. Consult your overseas handbook if you are studying abroad.)
For payment options, visit
For help understanding your bill, please, visit to see a detailed video.
You will be charged in-state tuition, but this will be accomplished in two stages. First, you will be billed the full out-of-state tuition. Then, you will receive a credit to bring your tuition down to in-state rates.This should all be accomplished before your first payment date.
If you do not see a remission (a credit), your tuition is not in line with the rates posted on our websites, and your payment date is within 10 days, please alert Workshop staff ( so they can correct the problem.
Participants are responsible for providing their medical insurance.
Indiana University provides traveler's insurance on study-abroad programs it manages.
The CrimsonCard is the official photo ID of all Indiana University students, faculty, and staff. Each Workshop in-person participant receives one free CrimsonCard. Replacement cards cost $25.
If you are an in-person student in the dorm, your CrimsonCard serves as your building key. You will also need it to access Indiana University facilities like the recreational center and library.
Participants living off-campus may use a CrimsonCard to access university facilities, take advantage of Indiana University student discounts at local merchants, and print on campus.
Online and study-abroad students do not need to worry about a CrimsonCard.
The Workshop organizes a group visit to the CrimsonCard office on the first day of the program for in-person students. After that, you may obtain your CrimsonCard at any CrimsonCard office (
To learn more about CrimsonCard, visit
Scholarship Payments
Different scholarships and fellowships administered by the Workshop work differently. Your Award Contract will spell out the payment mechanisms that apply to your award.
- Awards that Pay University Fees Directly
- If your award pays university fees, then you will see a scholarship credit on your bursar account after your tuition and university fees have posted. Scholarships are posted manually once the exact tuition and fee rates have posted to your account. This can take a week or two.
- Awards that Pay Workshop Fees Directly
- Very few awards Workshop fees directly, but if you have one, then you will see a scholarship credit on your bursar account after Workshop have posted at the end of week one of class. Scholarships are posted manually once the exact tuition and fee rates have posted to your account. This can take a week or two.
- Awards that Provide a Stipend
- Most awards do not pay your Workshop fees directly, but instead provide you a stipend you can use to pay your fees. If you have such an award, you will see a scholarship credit on your bursar bill in the second week of your Workshop program. This credit will disburse to you directly, assuming you have set up direct deposit.
Workshop students pay two sets of fees with different due dates.
- University Fees cover university-level expenses and are assessed before the Workshop begins.
- Tuition and IU academic fees are billed to your IU bursar account automatically on a central schedule.
- Most students will be billed in mid-April with payment due in May
- Late enrolling students may be billed in mid-May (due in June) or in mid-June (due in July)
- Your tuition depends on the number of credit hours your courses award. To find the fee for your course, visit your course page at Fees are listed about halfway down the website page.
- Tuition and IU academic fees are billed to your IU bursar account automatically on a central schedule.
- Workshop fees include the Workshop program fee and your housing fee.
- These are billed at the end of the first week of class.
(Study-Abroad fees have their own schedules. Consult your overseas handbook if you are studying abroad.)
For payment options, visit
For help understanding your bill, please, visit to see a detailed video.
You will be charged in-state tuition, but this will be accomplished in two stages. First, you will be billed the full out-of-state tuition. Then, you will receive a credit to bring your tuition down to in-state rates.This should all be accomplished before your first payment date.
If you do not see a remission (a credit), your tuition is not in line with the rates posted on our websites, and your payment date is within 10 days, please alert Workshop staff ( so they can correct the problem.
Participants are responsible for providing their medical insurance.
Indiana University provides traveler's insurance on study-abroad programs it manages.
The CrimsonCard is the official photo ID of all Indiana University students, faculty, and staff. Each Workshop in-person participant receives one free CrimsonCard. Replacement cards cost $25.
If you are an in-person student in the dorm, your CrimsonCard serves as your building key. You will also need it to access Indiana University facilities like the recreational center and library.
Participants living off-campus may use a CrimsonCard to access university facilities, take advantage of Indiana University student discounts at local merchants, and print on campus.
Online and study-abroad students do not need to worry about a CrimsonCard.
The Workshop organizes a group visit to the CrimsonCard office on the first day of the program for in-person students. After that, you may obtain your CrimsonCard at any CrimsonCard office (
To learn more about CrimsonCard, visit
Application and Admission
- February 2, 2024: Priority Admission and all Scholarships except Project GO* and FLAS*
- March 1, 2024: Rolling Admission begins for self-funded applicants (no scholarships)
- May 17, 2024 Final Admission deadline
*For Project GO Deadlines: See
*For FLAS Deadlines: See
After February 2, 2024: APPLY FOR ADMISSION
Unofficial transcripts and grade reports are acceptable for acceptance to the Workshop. See important information below regarding those seeking graduate credits.*
Please submit all your college-level transcripts.
Be sure your name and the name of your school is on each transcript.
- If you have fewer than two semesters on your college transcript, or if you are a high school student, please also send high school transcripts.
- If you graduated over 10 years ago and do not have easy access to transcripts, explain this in the OTHER INFORMATION section of your application.
*If you are accepted to the Workshop, you are not an IU student, and you need graduate credit, you will have to sign up to be an IU summer graduate student. This will require official transcripts and an application fee.
In one word, NONE.
The Language Workshop does not require letters of recommendation for admission...
... (but most Scholarship and Fellowship applications do require a letter, for the funding, not for admission).
Students who apply by the Priority Deadline may apply for scholarships and receive priority status during admissions decisions.
Students may apply after the Priority Deadline, however:
- Scholarships will no longer be available
- Students will be waitlisted instead of admitted if the class they applied for is full.
Students come off the waitlist in order of merit, not in order off application.
IU Accounts
Your Indiana University computing account serves as your user ID and is your login for most computer services. Your IU Account gives you access to the online services available through the university portal for online services: ONE.IU will be your first stop for all services, including student accounts, grades, and Canvas.
Be sure to set up your Indiana University computing account as soon as you receive your university ID #, using this link:
If you are having trouble with an Indiana University computer or your account, contact University Information Technology Services at
Every Workshop participant receives an Indiana University email account. You must check it or set it to forward to an account that you check consistently. Even though the Workshop will contact you using the email you provided in your application, other Indiana University offices and services will use your IU email by default.
Past participants who failed to check their Indiana University mail have missed events and assignments and have incurred late fees because they did not see alerts regarding their Indiana University accounts.
You can configure your Indiana University account to forward at
Credit and Credit Transfer
Credits differ in amount depending on the laguage course. The number of credits by a class is listed on the bottom of class description on this website in the CREDIT section.
No, Workshop classes must be taken for credit.
Your school will decide whether your IU credits will transfer and whether they will fulfill your school's requirements.
Your school's registrar should be able to help you determine whether your Indiana University credits will transfer and whether they will count in your school.
You can order an official transcript using the Transcript Request Form:
You can have an official transcript sent somewhere using the Transcript Request Form:
Placement and Proficiency Testing
All participants in Level 2 or above, including Indiana University students, complete a placement test before being admitted.
You will receive your placement estimate before you make any financial commitment to the Workshop. You can withdraw without penalty if you are not able to accept a placement at that level.
Placement testing begins during the intake process and is calibrated to take into account that you are likely to be in the middle of a semester at the time of placement.
All participants are reassessed on the first day of the program to ensure that they are enrolled at the correct level. Placement decisions made on the first day are final.
Oral Proficiency Interviews and Proficiency Assessments
The Oral Proficiency Interview is an unbiased assessment of the communicative skill of a student in a given language. The OPI is conducted by an external agency, Language Testing International, not by Indiana University. The OPI is a short, oral assessment conducted on the phone or on a computer, depending on the language.
Your OPI Certificate provides a neutral, widely accepted estimate of your language skill. For many purposes, this certificate will be more useful than your IU letter grade.
Your OPI results do not affect your grade and are not used in your placement. They are used strictly to give you additional information about your language skills and to ensure that Workshop courses are effective in helping students improve their language skills.
- Students in Level-1 courses do not take an OPI at the start of their course. We assume that students in Level 1 have zero proficiency to start.
- Students in courses at Level 2 - 6 take an OPI at the start of their course in order to establish a baseline so that they can see their progress at the end of the program.
- If no OPI exists for your language (in 2023, Kyrgyz, Latvian, Lithuanian), then the Workshop will attempt to arrange another external assessment to gauge your progress.
All students take an OPI at the end of their course (provided an OPI is available for their language).
All students who successfully complete the OPI receive a Certificate of Proficiency from Language Testing International.
Since only the most recent OPI score counts as official, the Workshop will inform students of their intake score, but will share only their exit certificate.
There are two grading scales for the OPI
- Most students are assessed using the ACTFL scale, established by the American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages.
- Students on certain scholarship programs will instead by assessed using the ILR scale, a government scale established by the Interagency Roundtable on language assessment.
These scales are roughly equivalent. If your OPI score looks like "Intermediate Mid" or "Advanced High," then you are on the ACTFL scale. If your score looks like "1," or "2+," then you are on the ILR scale.
Preparing for the Workshop
Every Workshop course has a site on Canvas (, which is Indiana University’s online learning management system. Canvas is the single point of information for your course, including syllabus, schedule, group communications, grade book, etc.
You will be automatically enrolled on the Canvas site for your course 2 weeks before the beginning of classes.
You will see a Canvas site for each Workshop course you attend. For example, if you are enrolled in second-year Chinese, your Canvas page will list SU22: 2ND YEAR CHINESE 1: and SU22: 2ND YEAR CHINESE 2.
If you are enrolled in supplemental courses or study-abroad courses, you will have canvas pages for them as well.
Some courses assign work due before classes begin. For example, many elementary courses require students to learn the alphabet before classes start.
Check your Canvas site in advance and your email regularly in the weeks leading up to the workshop. If case your class has assignments due on day one, it will be on Canvas and your instructor will notify you by email.
All Workshop students receive an IU email.
- All official emails of the university, including ones about Canvas, Billing, and the Registrar, will go to your IU email. Be sure to check your IU email or set it to forward to an email that you check regularly.
- Mail from the Language Workshop will go to the email address you provided in your application to the Workshop. To change the email that the Workshop uses, write to and request an update to your record.
Academic Matters
Workshop classes meet for 4 hours a day. Some courses will have up to 45 minutes of one-on-one training a day, as well as up to 2 hours a week of required extramural activity (language tables, activity clubs, etc.) Homework loads average 3–4 hours a day. Depending on your language, you may expect 4–6 hours of instruction and activities daily, plus 3–4 hours of homework, not including special events and workshops.
Given the heavy load of the Workshop, most participants find it difficult to succeed in their courses while working, taking other classes, or maintaining a busy extracurricular schedule.
If you need to change levels, add or drop a course, or withdraw, contact Workshop staff.
Add-Drop deadlines in the accelerated program fall on day 2 of class, after which late fees will apply to course changes and tuition will not be refunded.
Some of your Workshop fees will need to be adjusted manually if you drop a course or leave the Workshop.
Be sure to let the Workshop staff ( know if you withdraw or drop. If you fail to do so, your fees may not be refunded promptly.
Participants who miss more than 4 hours of class in a single Workshop’s session may be asked to withdraw from the program.
The Workshop offers weekly programs of extra-curricular activities in all languages, both online and in-person. For Arabic, Chinese, and Russian, a certain number of activities will be mandatory, while others will be optional. The exact requirements differ from language to language.
In addition, the Workshop offers online and in-person general-interest events in English, for example, career and scholarship presentations, job recruiters, etc.
The Workshop events calendar is available at:
Accessibility, Bias, Student Conduct, Academic Honesty
Indiana University expects participants to uphold and maintain academic and personal honor and integrity. Review the Indiana University Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct at Workshop instructors and staff are obligated to report violations of the code or instances of academic dishonesty and misconduct. Review the definitions of and penalties for academic misconduct at:
You can report any act of discrimination or harassment based on race, ethnicity, religious affiliation, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability by mailing or calling the Dean of Student’s office at +1 812-855-8187. This applies to all Workshop programs, immersion, in-person, online, and study-abroad.
In addition to handling serious mental health crises, CAPS staff offer support for participants who just want to discuss problems with someone they can trust. CAPS offers counseling services in English, Mandarin, and Spanish. Contact them at or +1 812-855-8711.
In-person services are limited to immersion and in-person students. Online and overseas students are eligible for online and telephone services.
Indiana University is committed to providing students, faculty, staff, and visitors access to all university programs, activities, and facilities.
Whether your condition is physical, medical, learning-related, psychiatric, or a temporary disability, the office of Accessible Educational Services will help you achieve your academic goals, whether you are studying in person or online.
Services do not automatically transfer from your previous school; you must apply for services at IU. Services are confidential.
Services may take time to put into place and are not retroactive; captions and alternate media for print materials may take three or more weeks to produce, so be sure to contact AES in March or April to ensure that materials are ready for you in June. Services may not be available in all languages taught in the Workshop.
Register with Indiana University Accessible Educational Services for at, or by phone at 812-855-7578.
For reporting other issues or concerns visit This applies to all Workshop programs, immersion, in-person, online, and study-abroad.
Question Not Anwered?
Visit us between 4 and 5pm Eastern on Tuesdays and Fridays for VIRTUAL OFFICE HOURS