Summer Language Workshop

Explore a world of language

Languages are the windows through which we see the world. Each language you know opens a new window and shows you a new world. Language skills foster understanding and provide you the tools to address global challenges.

One of the oldest and most innovative accelerated language training programs in the world, the Summer Language Workshop's in-person, online, and overseas programs will help you make rapid and lasting progress, not only in speaking the languages of the world, but in understanding the peoples who speak them.

The Language Workshop is one of the best ways there is to learn a language and experience its culture. I studied Chinese and went from novice mid to intermediate high proficiency. I made lasting friendships, drastically improved my Mandarin, and gained confidence in myself and my ability to learn! You can, too!

Megan Gearhart
Megan Gearhart talks about her Workshop experience

Description of the video:

00:00:00,300 --> 00:00:05,040
Hi! I'm Megan and I'm here to tell you about one 
of the most challenging things I've ever done;  

00:00:05,040 --> 00:00:10,080
but also one of the most rewarding. I'm talking 
about the Language Workshop at Indiana University.  

00:00:10,980 --> 00:00:15,300
The Language Workshop is one of the best ways 
there is to learn a language and experience its culture.

00:00:15,300 --> 00:00:20,700
I studied Mandarin at the Workshop and I 
learned to play mahjong made lasting friends and  

00:00:20,700 --> 00:00:26,640
drastically improved my Chinese. You can too; and 
by you I mean everyone, from high school students  

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to lifelong Learners. The Workshop is open to 
everyone 16 and older. Now don't be fooled by  the name.

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When the Language Workshop started in 
1951, it really was a workshop. It was a short  

00:00:37,440 --> 00:00:42,420
program teaching a handful of students. Today 
the Workshop teaches almost 30 languages to  

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300 students annually. More than 10,000 students 
have used the Workshop to gain critical language  

00:00:47,160 --> 00:00:51,840
skills enrich their world views and gain 
unique stories to share during interviews.  

00:00:51,840 --> 00:00:56,760
But despite all that, it's still called a 
workshop. The Workshop is kind of a big deal.  

00:00:56,760 --> 00:01:01,320
It's one of the best ways to learn world languages 
and to experience world cultures in the United States.

00:01:01,320 --> 00:01:06,360
For two months you will dedicate yourself 
to learning your language, focusing and honing  

00:01:06,360 --> 00:01:10,740
your skills daily. In the end you will achieve 
language proficiency levels you wouldn't believe.  

00:01:11,400 --> 00:01:17,100
Today's Workshop is really three programs in one. 
First, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian are in-person  

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immersion programs where students live and breathe 
the language and culture for two intensive months.  

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Come and spend your summer at Indiana University, 
one of the most beautiful campuses in the country.  

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Click here to learn about the immersion program. 
Second, there is the unique Hungarian program  

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that combines online study and study abroad 
in Budapest. From your couch to across the Atlantic

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you can develop Hungarian language 
skills and cultural understanding quickly,  

00:01:40,500 --> 00:01:46,800
in-depth and firsthand. Click here to learn about 
the online plus overseas program for Hungarian.  

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Finally, from the comfort of your home you can
choose from all these languages for a fully online intensive experience.

00:01:49,161 --> 00:01:55,140
Click here to learn about the online program.  

00:01:56,220 --> 00:02:00,480
I went from Novice Mid to Intermediate High 
proficiency at the Workshop and  

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the program helped me gain confidence in myself and 
my ability to learn. It can help you too.  

00:02:04,800 --> 00:02:10,500
Visit us at to 
begin your language learning Journey today.

Get funded!

The Workshop has scholarships for graduate students, for undergraduates, for high-school students, for women, for students of individual regions and languages, and more. Over half the students in the Workshop receive some kind of funding.

320students in class of 2024

159schools, agencies, and businesses represented

24languages studied in 2024

It was life changing because knowing Russian opened up possibilities I wouldn't have had otherwise, and I've used Russian throughout my career... I can tell you that you are fortunate to be at Indiana University.

Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch, former US Ambassador to Ukraine and Language Workshop alumna

A national leader in Foreign Language & Area Studies fellowships

"FLAS has helped me to connect with Russian archivists, historians and activists, and gain an understanding of their work to preserve their history for future generations."

Nicholas Ingersoll, Indiana University PhD student

The Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies provides more FLAS fellowships than any other school in the country.

Learn more