Language immersion -- living, studying, and playing in Russian all summer long -- is a proven recipe for rapid and lasting language gain. As a student in the Russian Workshop, you will commit to communicating in Russian 24/7 and to live in the language dorm with your fellow students and with Russian-speaking faculty and staff. To speed your learning even more, your coursework will follow the model of the IU Russian Flagship Program – accelerated classroom instruction, daily one-on-one training, and a rich program of co-curricular activities.
Apply now or scroll down for everything you need to know about dates, costs, details, and applying for admission, funding, and more!
Здравствуйте! Меня зовут Ала Симончик. Я руковожу летней русской школой в Индианском университете. Наша школа была основана в 1951 году и является одной из старейших школ русского языка в США. Возможно, вы слышали о нас от ваших преподавателей, которые тоже учились здесь, когда были студентами. Конечно, за время существования школы многое изменилось. Но неизменным осталось то, что из года в год мы помогаем всем желающим с успехом осваивать русский язык и глубже познавать русскоязычную культуру. Основной упор в нашей программе делается на развитие навыков говорения. На первом курсе вы будете учиться рассказывать о себе, о вашей семье, о ваших интересах. A на шестом курсе вы будете спорить на разные политические, экономические и социальные темы и аргументировано высказывать свою точку зрения. После занятий каждый день вы будете встречаться с репетитором, чтобы в индивидуальном порядке продолжать практику устной речи. Способствовать развитию навыков говорения будет языковой контракт, который вы подпишете в начале программы. Cогласно этому контракту вы будете говорить по-русски не только в классе, но и во внеклассное время, и даже в общежитии, где вы будете жить с другими студентами. Вы думаете -- это трудно? Вы совершенно правы. Это не просто. Но благодаря этому контракту вы будете находиться в атмосфере погружения в язык и сможете добиться блестящих результатов. Не переживайте! Наши преподаватели всегда будут рядом с вами, профессионалы высокого класса, которые всей душой любят свое дело. Ваши преподаватели будут поддерживать вас, болеть за вас, и помогать преодолевать любые трудности на пути к успеху. Кроме занятий, у вас также будет возможность посещать различные внеклассные мероприятия и клубы по интересам, где вы будете готовить русскую еду, петь песни, смотреть фильмы, играть в шахматы... Одним словом, отлично проводить время с вашими новыми друзьями из разных университетов и штатов. После окончания программы вы будете сдавать устный экзамен и получите сертификат ACTFL OPI, который будет напоминать вам о ваших достижениях в изучении русского языка... а также о прекрасно проведенном лете в Индианском университете. Добро пожаловать в нашу летнюю русскую школу! Приезжайте -- не пожалейте!
Hello! My name is Ala Simonchyk. I direct the summer Russian Workshop at Indiana University. The school was founded in 1951 and is one of the oldest Russian language schools in the U.S. You may have heard about us from your teachers who may have studied here when they were students. Of course, since the founding of the Workshop much has changed. But one thing has remained unchanged: namely that every year the school has helped participants successfully master Russian and deepen their understanding of the cultures of the Russian-speaking peoples. The main focus of our program is to develop speaking skills. In Level One, you will learn to talk about yourself to talk about your family and to talk about your interests. Whereas in Level Six you will learn to discuss political economic, and social topics, and to argue a point of view. After class every day you will meet with a Skills Trainer for individualized work to further develop your speaking skills. Another feature of the school intended to develop your speaking is the Immersion Contract which you sign at the start of the program. In accordance with the Contract you will speak Russian not just in class but also outside class and even in the dorms where you will live with other students of Russian. Does that sound hard? It absolutely is. It's not easy. But thanks to the Contract you will find yourself immersed in Russian and will make great progress. Don't worry! Your teachers will always be by your side; top notch professionals dedicated to their craft. Your teachers will support you they will be rooting for you and they will help you overcome any obstacles on your path to success. In addition to classes, you will also have the opportunity to attend extra-curricular activities and clubs where you can for example cook Russian food... sing songs, watch films, and play chess in a word -- have fun with new friends from across the U.S. At the end of the program you will take an oral exam and get an ACTFL OPI proficiency certificate to remind you not only of your progress in learning Russian but also of the wonderful summer you spent at Indiana University. Welcome to the Summer Russian Workshop! Join us! You won't regret it!
Students may apply for admission and for funding until midnight EST on January 31, 2025.
Admission and funding opportunities will be limited to classes that did not fill during priority admission and to scholarships and fellowships that were not fully awarded during priority admission.
Students may continue applying for admission, without funding, during rolling admission.
During Rolling Admission, students may apply for admission to the Language Workshop for self-funded study (or study funded by organizations other than the Language Workshop).
Admission remains competitive. Students who apply for full classes will be waitlisted. Students come off the waitlists in order of merit, not in the order of application.
After this date, there will not be time for non-IU students to get through Workshop acceptance, IU admissions, and IU enrollment before their course begins.
IU students may continue to apply, since they do not need to go through IU admissions.
After this date, there will not be time for non-IU students to get through Workshop acceptance, IU admissions, and IU enrollment before their course begins.
IU students may continue to apply, since they do not need to go through IU admissions.
The final date for IU students to apply to the Language Workshop is midnight EST on the last Thursday before their class begins.
BCS, Czech, Hungarian, Polish: May 15
Azerbaijani and Kyrgyz: May 22.
Arabic (all levels), Chinese 1, Russian 1 & 2: May 29
Students who complete the course successfully will reach a proficiency ofIntermediate Lowor better. They will be able to communicate in day-to-day situations in Russian, will be able to read and write effectively on familiar topics, and will have a solid foundation for further study or travel.
The program introduces Russian culture and the culture of other Russian-speaking regions through authentic materials and media, as well as activities in Russian and structured interactions with Russian speakers.
Russian 1 combines 4 hours a day of classroom instruction, 30-45 minutes a day of one-on-one training, weekly phonetics training, as well daily informal activities in Russian led by facilitators representing Russian-speaking communities from around the world.
Russian: Здравствуйте! Меня зовут Ася. Я -- преподаватель в летней школе Индианского университета. И сегодня я хочу рассказать о первом курсе русского языка. Первый курс русского языка, по-моему, самый интересный курс. На этом курсе студенты знакомятся с основами языка и культуры в русскоязычных странах. Например, вы узнаете, где находится самое глубокое озеро в мире и другие интересные факты о географии, еде, и истории русскоязычных стран. За девять недель, вы научитесь самым важным и базовым навыкам в русском языке. Вы научитесь писать и читать -- особенно интересно обычно -- учиться читать и писать курсив. Это -- специальный вид письменности, который используется в русскоязычных странах, когда люди пишут от руки. Вы сможете читать и понимать песни и другие короткие тексты, например мемы или шутки. Но самое главное вы получите базовые коммуникативные навыки в русском языке. Вы сможете описать свою жизнь и учёбу, сдать вопросы другим людям на работе, или о том, чем они увлекаются. Вы сможете заказать еду в ресторане, или спросить, как добраться до какого-нибудь места или поговорить с врачом. Если вы когда-нибудь окажетесь в России или в другой русскоязычной стране, это вам очень поможет. Если вы никогда не учили русский, этот курс -- для вас. ЖДЁМ ВАМ В ЛЕТНЕЙ ШКОЛЕ!
English: Hello! My name is Asya. I am a teacher in the Indiana University Summer Russian Workshop. I want to talk to you today about the Level One Russian course. The Level One Russian course is, in my opinion, the most interesting course. In this course, students learn the basics of the language and the culture of Russian-speaking countries. For example, you will learn where the deepest lake in the world is and other interesting facts about the geography, food, and history of the Russian-speaking countries. In nine weeks, you will learn the most important fundamental Russian skills. You will learn to read and write -- and, especially interesting, you will learn to read and write Russian cursive, a special form of writing used in Russian-speaking countries when people write by hand. You will learn to read and understand songs and other short texts, for example memes and jokes. But most importantly you will acquire basic communication skills in Russian. You will learn to describe your life and studies, to ask people questions at work, or ask them about their interests. You will learn how to order food in a restaurant or ask for directions to places or what to say to a doctor. If you ever find yourself in Russia or another Russian-speaking country that will be a big help to you. If you have never studied Russian before then this is the class for you. We are waiting for you -- to join the Russian Workshop!
Developed in conjunction with the Russian Flagship Program at Indiana University, the Workshop's Level 2 Russian course is an intensive immersion program equivalent to the 2nd-Year Russian sequence in the Indiana Russian Flagship program.
This course is designed for students with Intermediate Low proficiency who wish to solidify their speaking, reading, and writing skills. Students who complete the course successfully will reach Intermediate Mid or Intermediate High proficiency.
Working with authentic materials showcasing culture from across the Russian-speaking world, students will develop the linguistic and cultural skills they need in order to function effectively in a Russian-speaking environment and successfully navigate day-to-day interactions. They will be able to understand authentic materials, including news, videos, podcasts, chats, stories, articles on familiar topics, etc.
Russian 2 combines 4 hours a day of classroom instruction, 30-45 minutes a day of one-on-one training, weekly phonetics training, as well daily informal activities in Russian led by facilitators representing Russian-speaking communities from around the world.
Developed in conjunction with theRussian Flagship ProgramatIndiana University, the Workshop's Level 3 Russian course is an intensive, immersive program equivalent to 3rd-Year Russian in the Indiana Russian Flagship curriculum.
This course is designed for students withIntermediate Midproficiency who want to develop advanced speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. Students who complete the course successfully will reach Intermediate High or Advanced Lowproficiency.
Working with authentic materials showcasing culture from across the Russian-speaking world, students will improve their mastery of the linguistic and cultural skills they need in order to function effectively in a Russian-speaking environment. They will be able to understand news, videos, podcasts, chats, stories, literature etc. with ease, and to interact confidently with native speakers in a wide range of contexts.
Russian 3 combines 4 hours a day of classroom instruction, 30-45 minutes a day of one-on-one training, weekly phonetics training, as well daily informal activities in Russian led by facilitators representing Russian-speaking communities from around the world.
Russian: Дорогие студенты, добро пожаловать на сайт летней языковой программы Университета Индианы! Меня зовут Ани Абрамян и я преподаю русский язык на третьем курсе. На протяжении восьми недель вы узнаете много нового о русской грамматике а также улучите свои речевые навыки. Вы познакомитесь с новыми, интересными друзьями, а также будете иметь возможность поработать с специалистами в сферах русской культуры, истории, литературы, и политики. МЫ ЖДЁМ ВАС... в летней языковой программе Университета Индианы! English: Welcome, students, to the website of the summer Russian Workshop at Indiana University. My name is Ani Abrahamyan and I teach the Level 3 Russian course. In eight weeks you will learn many new things about Russian grammar and you will improve your speaking skills. You will meet new, interesting friends and you will have the opportunity to work with specialists on Russian culture, history, literature, and politics. We are waiting for you to join the summer Russian Workshop at Indiana University.
Developed in conjunction with theRussian Flagship ProgramatIndiana University, the Workshop's Level 4 Russian course is an intensive, immersive program equivalent to 4th-Year Russian in the Indiana Russian Flagship curriculum.
This course is designed for students with Intermediate Highproficiency who want to solidify advanced speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. Students who complete the course successfully will reach Advanced Low or Advanced Midproficiency.
Working with authentic materials showcasing culture from across the Russian-speaking world, students will improve their mastery of the linguistic and cultural skills they need in order to function effectively in a Russian-speaking environment. They will be able to understand materials from a range of registers and genres and to speak and write appropriately in a range of formal, informal, professional, and academic environments.
Russian 4 combines 4 hours a day of classroom instruction, 30-45 minutes a day of one-on-one training, optional weekly phonetics training, as well daily informal activities in Russian led by facilitators representing Russian-speaking communities from around the world.
Developed in conjunction with theRussian Flagship ProgramatIndiana University, the Workshop's Level 5 Russian course is an intensive, immersive program equivalent to 5th-Year Russian in the Indiana Russian Flagship curriculum.
This course is designed for students with Advanced Lowproficiency who want to establish solid advanced speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. Students who complete the course successfully will reach Advanced Mid or Advanced High proficiency.
Working with authentic materials showcasing culture from across the Russian-speaking world, students will exit the program able to participate confidently in a wide range of communicative environments and to engage appropriately and effectively in professional, academic, political, and informal discourse in Russian. They will demonstrate the ability to interpret tone, rhetoric, and cultural references and to produce their own written and oral discourse on familiar topics with ease, fluency, and precision.
Russian 5 combines 4 hours a day of classroom instruction, 30-45 minutes a day of one-on-one training, optional weekly phonetics training, as well daily informal activities in Russian led by facilitators representing Russian-speaking communities from around the world.
Developed in conjunction with theRussian Flagship ProgramatIndiana University, the Workshop's Level 6 Russian course is an intensive, immersive program for students with near-professional proficiency in Russian who wish to develop native-like command of register, style, and discourse.
This course is designed for students with strongAdvanced Midproficiency who want to establish solid advanced speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. Students who complete the course successfully will reach Advanced High or Superiorproficiency.
Structured as a sociological survey of contemporary Russian culture, the course explores the nuances of subtext, irony, innuendo, persuasive discourse and rhetorical devices, and provides instruction in the development and presentation of extended arguments and opinions. Students who complete the course successfully will be able to participate confidently in a wide range of communicative environments and to engage appropriately and effectively in professional, academic, political, and informal discourses. They will demonstrate the ability to interpret tone, rhetoric, and cultural references and to produce their own written and oral discourse with ease, fluency, and precision.
Russian 6 combines 4 hours a day of classroom instruction, 30-45 minutes a day of one-on-one training, optional weekly phonetics training, as well daily informal activities in Russian led by facilitators representing Russian-speaking communities from around the world.
The Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies offers supplemental online courses for Language Workshop students.
Professionals with expertise in Russian language, culture, and area studies are in high demand, but pursuing a career can feel as difficult as learning to write in Cyrillic. Deciding on a field in which to apply your skills, locating opportunities, and connecting your experiences to the needs of a prospective employer can feel like a daunting task. And yet, a career related to critical languages can be highly rewarding. In this interactive course, you will learn about career fields you may wish to pursue, explore additional opportunities to improve your knowledge of Russian, and synthesize your experiences into a form that attracts the attention of employers.
This 1-credit online course meets Tuesdays & Thursdays from 6:00pm to 7:15pm from June 9 to July 3.
The Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies offers supplemental online courses for Language Workshop students.
This course will examine Soviet and Russian usage of hard and soft power to achieve the national diplomatic objectives. Some of the key events include the Berlin Blockade, the building of the Berlin Wall, the Cuban Missile Crisis, actions in Afghanistan, and Russian as the “lingua franca” in the USSR. Following the dissolution of the USSR, some of our focus areas will be the Russian Federation’s handling of natural gas and petroleum deals with foreign nations, Russian military actions in Georgia, Crimea, Ukraine, and Syria, and Russian information operations.
This 1-credit online course meets Tuesdays & Thursdays from 6:00pm to 7:15pm between July 7 and August 1.
The Department of State provides fellowships for graduate students, scholars, and researchers studying Russian, East European languages, or Central Asian languages in the Language Workshop. Fellowships provide tuition, fees, and a stipend.
The Department of Education provides IU Center for International Business Education and Research scholarships to support students of IU's Kelly School of Business studying in the Language Workshop.
The Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies provides scholarships for undergraduate women planning international careers to study in the Language Workshop.
The Department of Education provides scholarships for study in the Language Workshop. This program is administered by IU's Title VI Research Centers and students apply directly to them, not to the Workshop.
The Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies provides scholarships for study in the Language Workshop for students not eligible for other funding.
The Immersion Workshop offers accelerated, intensive courses to help you develop your speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills quickly. You will complete 1 full year of language training in only 2 months. Classes are practical and emphasize the development of real-time communication skills.
At the end of the Workshop, you will receive an external assessment of your language proficiency and an OPI (Oral Proficiency Interview) certificate.
In the Immersion Workshop you will study 20 hours per week in small classes (8-12 students on average) led by highly experienced instructors. After class you will complete 3-5 hours of independent study to prepare for the next day’s class and will have 30-45 minutes of individual practice with a language skills trainer. You will have the opportunity to participate in daily informal activities led by Workshop faculty and by scholars, performers, and practitioners from regions where your language is spoken.
As an Immersion Workshop participant, you will be part of a diverse group of talented language learners, including advanced high-school students, undergraduates, graduate students, scholars, professionals, and others. People join the Immersion Workshop for a range of academic, professional, and personal reasons, but they are united in their common interest in learning the language.
The small class sizes, expert instructors, and highly motivated students of the Workshop provide a stimulating setting for you to develop your oral and written communication skills rapidly.
The Immersion Workshop is challenging, but it is one of the most effective and most exciting ways to acquire language rapidly.
We look forward to welcoming you to the next Indiana University Immersion Language Workshop!
Class Dates:
Arabic 1-3, Chinese 1, Russian 1-2: June 2 – August 1, 2025
*All rates on this page are estimates based on data available at the time of posting and are subject to change.
Credit Loads
All courses must be taken for credit. Auditing courses is not offered.
Credit loads vary from course to course
10 credits
Arabic 1
Arabic 2
6 credits
Chinese 4
8 credits
All other courses
Undergraduate Credit
Everyone admitted to the Workshop is eligible for undergraduate credit.
Graduate Credit
IU graduate students receive graduate credit automatically if it is available for their course.
Graduate course loads are more variable than undergraduate. Contact for the exact graduate credit load if you are an IU graduate student.
Non-IU participants may petition to receive graduate credit if it is available for their course.
Approval is not automatic.
Application fees apply.
Not all courses offer graduate credit.
IU cannot guarantee that your home university will accept graduate credit.
Cultural activities: Min. 2 activities/week required (but you may attend more if you wish)
This course is open to all, including:
Students from Indiana University
Students from other universities and colleges
Graduate, undergraduate, and community college students
Lifelong learners
High School students, who are age 18+ on day 1 of the program
Students applying for a 2nd-Level course or higher, including IU students, take a placement test before enrolling.
The test consists of a short online quiz, a writing sample, and a video sample.
Testing begins in March and is calibrated to take into account that students will be mid-semester at the time of their test.
Placement results are mandatory. Students who do not wish to take the course into which the place may withdraw from the program without penalty.
Hours of Instruction: 20 hours/week 180 total for 9-week courses (Arabic, Chinese 1, Russian 1 – 2) 160 total for 8-week courses (Chinese 2 – 4, Russian 3 – 6)